February 11, 2007

The Grammy's Of Multichannel Marketing

On Sunday evening, artists received awards at music's biggest evening, the Grammy's.

Today, it is your turn to rebuke my recent criticism of a lack of talent in the multichannel marketing industry.

I am asking you to identify the individuals who are deserving of recognition in the multichannel marketing industry.

Please use the comments section of this post to identify individuals you have worked with, individuals who are worthy of recognition, individuals who may not get the recognition they deserve.

Name the individual, list the company the person works for, choose one of the following categories, and then describe what this person does that is worthy of recognition. I will publish some of the particularly enlightening commentary as individual posts over the next few weeks.

Here are the categories you may choose from:
  • Merchandising
  • Creative
  • Operations (Pick, Pack 'n Ship and Call Centers)
  • Finance
  • Inventory Management
  • Circulation (List Rental, Compiled Lists, Housefile Circulation, Database Marketing, Sales Planning).
  • Online Marketing (Search, Portals, Affiliates, etc.)
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Data Mining and Business Intelligence
  • Web Analytics
  • Information Technology
  • Leadership (Executives who deserve recognition).
  • Management (Directors and Managers who deserve recognition).
  • Vendors (Individuals at organizations you outsource key functions to).
  • Other (Areas that are not easily classified above).


  1. The first entry I received today is for a person named Glen A. Beasley. Glen is the Catalog Director at Nautilus, Boflex, Pearl Izumi.

    Good job, Glen, on being nominated first!

  2. Our second nomination is for a person named Mike Bowcut --- Mike was nominated for doing great database marketing work at REI (his current company) and during his time at American Girl.

    The complete irony of this is that Mike was nominated by a person who had no idea that I originally hired Mike to be an analyst, back in 1994 at Lands' End. So I heartily endorse this nomination!

  3. The third nomination is for a person by the name of Mollie Cameron, who works on segmentation and marketing issues at Intelligent Results in Bellevue, WA.

    Mollie's nomination states that she works tirelessly, and always works behind the scenes for her customers.

    Good job, Mollie!

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Executives: a couple of "Lifetime Achievement" award nominations for Bill End, currently chairman of the board at Eddie Bauer Holdings and formerly CEO of Lands' End and EVP of LL Bean; Bill Henry, marketing consultant.

  5. What follows is another nomination that was forwarded to me this afternoon. Enjoy!

    With over twenty five years in specialty retailing, Bill Michel has been a leading practitioner of multi channel marketing for catalog, stores, internet, B2B and wholesale channels.

    Bill started his career at Eddie Bauer in merchandising, then added inventory planning, DM systems, circulation, database analysis, strategic planning, business development, brand management and research to his portfolio of skills.

    As Sr. VP of Corporate and Divisional Marketing, he built one of the leading multi channel marketing departments in the country. The goal was always to increase the value of the brand to the customer by identifying and leveraging customer insight, merchandise focus and services across channels and in doing so, enhance the value of the customer to the brand. During his tenure at Eddie Bauer, the company grew from a $60 million outdoor outfitter to a $2 billion lifestyle brand.

    Moving from apparel and home decor at Eddie Bauer to gourmet food and plant gifts with Harry & David and Jackson & Perkins brands, Bill leveraged his broad skills as General Manager of the Direct Division to help this specialty retailer deliver record sales and customer profitability.

    Today's Bill's protégés are executives at leading multi channel retailers and service providers, including Nordstrom, William Sonoma, Amazon, Microsoft, Getty Images, Expedia, Washington Mutual, ALC, Musician's Friend and more. It is always about hiring bright people, providing them with challenging opportunities and asking good questions to discover the possibilities for better serving the customer.

    Bill is now an independent consultant helping companies deliver multi-channel marketing solutions to increase customer loyalty and profitability. He can be reached at bmichel5@hotmail.com
    W: 541-633-7838


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